Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rosenberg to Provide Ice and Water

The City of Rosenberg is partnering with Lowe’s Corporation, a community partner, to help Rosenberg residents affected by Hurricane Ike.

The City will work with Lowe’s to set up a point of distribution (POD) for water and ice. At 9:30 am, we will give away ice and water to those in need at the Lowe’s along Hwy 36 and Hwy 59.

Rosenberg Police patrol vehicles will enter neighborhoods without power to make sure those residents are aware of the location and time of the distribution.

This POD will give away ice and bottled water for as long as there is a need in our community and resources are available.

Those requiring greater assistance than the City is able to provide should call the statewide information number at 211, or call FEMA at 1.800.621.3362.

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