Monday, September 15, 2008

Solid Waste Management Department


The City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) is proceeding with normal garbage, yard trimmings and heavy trash collection operations. The only exception is curbside recycling. The Curbside Recycling crews are assisting the Yard Trimmings crews with vegetative storm debris collection and, therefore, will not be collecting the recyclable materials from the green bins.

On Monday, September 15, 2008, the SWMD will be collecting 3rd Monday’s Heavy Trash. On Tuesday, September 16th, SWMD will be collecting 3rd Tuesday’s Heavy Trash. The SWMD will continue collecting heavy trash according to the regular schedule.

The City of Houston will be receiving assistance from other cities to maintain the normal solid waste operations. The majority of the storm debris removal will be handled by a private hauler, DRC Emergency Services.

Beck Disaster Recovery (BDR), SWMD’s Debris Management consultants and DRC are currently assessing storm damage throughout Houston. Additionally, the City’s Neighborhood Protection Division is also conducting assessments. The City of Houston anticipates debris collection activities by the contractor to begin on Friday, September 19th. Under the debris contract, the private hauler has 180 days to complete its clean up. “Our expectation is that 80-85% of the job will be done within the first 90 days,” said John Buri of BDR.

SWMD Director Harry Hayes said, “We estimate that we will collect 22,000 cubic yards of storm debris today with our combined force of Heavy Trash and Yard Trimmings collection crews.” He added, “We will recycle as much vegetative storm debris as possible, in compliance with FEMA guidelines. Therefore, we are asking residents to separate the vegetative debris from the other types of storm debris.”

Beginning Tuesday, September 16th, SWMD will open its neighborhood depositories 7 days a week to accommodate small amounts of storm debris from Houston residents. One pickup truck load or less will be accepted. Hours of operations will be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

· NORTHEAST AREA 5565 Kirkpatrick 713-675-3208 (Key Map 455N)
· NORTHWEST AREA 6023 Windfern 713-895- 1003 (Key Map 410W)
· SOUTHEAST AREA 2240 Central St. 713-837-0311 (Key Map 535C)
· SOUTH AREA 5100 Sunbeam 713-738-1936 (Key Map 474A)

· Residents should place hurricane-related debris along the public right-of-way.
· When setting out debris please make reasonable attempts to not obstruct sidewalks or traffic as they may pose a threat to public health and safety.
· Trees and branches should be cut in approximately 8-12 foot lengths and stacked in large piles along the right-of-way.
· Be cautious not to obstruct mailboxes, utility access points such as electric and water meters or fire hydrants as these could be damaged by heavy equipment during loading.
· Please do not mix household garbage, treated wood (such as fences), tires, or roof shingles with the vegetative debris.
· Do not mix hazardous material, such as paint cans, aerosol sprays, batteries, or appliances with vegetative debris.

For new developments in the department’s response to Hurricane Ike, please log on to or call 3-1-1, the City’s Customer Service Hotline.

The Solid Waste Management Department provides solid waste service to the citizens of Houston through the collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material in a manner that is safe, efficient, environmentally sound and cost-effective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked as a feild monitor for awhile as and I have never in my life worked for such unprofessional and scheming people before in my life and the worst part is that all of the scheming and unprofessionalism came from the supervisors or management of the sites that I was located at, never got paid on time and when I did get paid it was never right. I worked seven days a week 13hrs a day with a thirty minute break and still and after working for weeks not knowing if I was coming or going from exhaustion I was faced with ignorace and attitudes when I asked about my money. I even showed up for work when my money wasn't right given you guys the benefit of the doubt. However, after driven 45mins everyday just to get to work getting up a 4 in the morning to be there on time I was wait listed and still have not received my correct pay. So as a very concerned citizen I truley hope that you guys at the relief center treat the victims and citizens of this community better than you treated your employees Or I know for a fact that this will be dragged out for more than three months with your supervisors milking the clock every chance that they get and letting the people who they like work and allowing them to do the same thing

